The 22nd Edition of the „Crystal Brick” Competition on the Sun and Snow Trail

On [date], the 22nd edition of the prestigious competition, organized by the Polish Housing Society Lublin and the Eastern Daily, took place. The competition, named „Crystal Brick,” focused on recognizing the best construction investments on both sides of the eastern border of the European Union, along the Sun and Snow Trail.

The competition was open to investments from the following voivodeships: Lublin, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie, Warmian-Masurian, Masovian on the right side of the Vistula River, as well as from the border regions of Ukraine and Lithuania. The geographical scope allowed participants to showcase the diversity and innovation of projects implemented along the Sun and Snow Trail.

The Association, whose member received a special award in the category of „Ecoinvestments – Partnership for Nature,” had the honor of participating in this event. This recognition not only highlighted individual achievements but also promoted values related to sustainable development and care for the natural environment.

The special award for a member of the association is evidence that initiatives focused on environmental protection, the implementation of ecoinvestments, and partnership for nature are essential and appreciated at both the local and international levels. The association’s participation in the competition was not only a form of representation but also an opportunity to share knowledge and experience with other businesses and organizations operating along the Sun and Snow Trail.

The competition considered various projects, from modern residential buildings to innovative ecological solutions. The jury faced a challenging task in choosing the winners, given the high level of presented investments. Thanks to the association’s participation, the competition became not only a place of competition but also an exchange of inspiration and best practices in ecoinvestments.

An important aspect of the competition was also the inclusion of investments from the border regions of Ukraine and Lithuania, promoting cooperation between countries and contributing to territorial development along the eastern border of the European Union.

This event not only provided a platform for presenting the achievements of the construction industry but also served as inspiration for future projects and investments. The „Crystal Brick” competition not only rewarded excellence but also built a community of individuals committed to the region’s development. Thanks to the association, which brought its unique experience, the competition became even more inspiring for all those involved in creating a better future for the Sun and Snow Trail.